Time for a Centrist Third Party?

The “Nolan Chart”

We live in polarized times here in the United States.

The Democratic Party his shifted far to the ‘left,’ espousing positions that only a few years ago would have been viewed as radically socialist. Today’s mainline Democrats are rabidly pro-abortion, rabidly pro-redistributionist, rabidly anti-business, and rabidly anti-religious. Meanwhile, the Republican Party has shifted to the right, embracing a righteous hard-line against abortion, a semi-nationalist position in favor of harsh immigration restrictions, and a deep aversion to any kind of compromise on its principles.

All of this is a good thing (believe it or not).

For a long time, the two major U.S. political parties had much in common. Both supported free trade, which meant that Americans who opposed free trade were unrepresented. Both supported some variant of a “safe, legal, and rare” view of abortion, which allowed leeway for small-but-notable bands of “pro-choice” Republicans and “pro-life” Democrats. Both took fairly interventionist positions on foreign policy, leaving “isolationist” Americans unrepresented. There were disagreements between the parties—some real and some theoretical—but on the whole, both operated in the same middle slice of American politics.

In this dynamic, the fervent right- and left-wingers found themselves largely unrepresented in the U.S. political duopoly. So they revolted. On the left, many Democratic Party voters abandoned the ordained successor of President Barack Obama (D)—former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D)—in favor of a self-proclaimed independent democratic socialist, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Clinton only emerged victorious because of the Democratic Party’s internal corruption and its bizarre, un-democratic nomination process. And on the right, sixteen standard-issue Republicans lost a primary campaign against a center-left demagogue who adopted a sort of neo-nationalism and gave lip-service to some hard-right talking points.

Joke Website: Justice for Greedo

In Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, just after Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker hire Han Solo to take them to Alderaan, Solo is approached by a bounty hunter called Greedo.

In the original 1977 theatrical cut of the film, after a brief conversation, Han Solo blasted Greedo and killed him. In the 1997 “Special Edition” re-cut of the film, the scene was changed to show Greedo shooting at Solo first (and missing) and then Solo killing Greedo with return-fire. In the 2004 DVD release of the film, the scene was modified again to show Greedo and Solo firing nearly simultaneously, and showing Solo dodging Greedo’s shot. In the 2011 Blu-Ray release, the interval between the shots was shortened even further.

This all led to a lengthy and ongoing “Han Shot First” controversy in the Star Wars fan community, with the fans generally opposing the changes to the scene that have been (repeatedly) made by George Lucas.

I thought it would be funny to imagine a universe where the fans are right, Han shot first, and Greedo was a victim of a cold-blooded murder . . . and where the subsequent re-edits of the footage are, in fact, an effort by New Republic officials to cover-up what really happened and thereby protect Solo’s image as a hero of the Rebellion. So here’s a website about it. Enjoy!

Justice for Greedo

Ten Tips to Avoid Getting Caught-Up in the Harassment Scandal

Over the last few weeks and months, countless celebrities and public figures have been caught-up in sexual harassment scandals. With accusations ranging from inappropriate comments and touching all the way up to sexual assault and rape, it increasingly seems like no corner of our society is immune from this kind of horrible behavior.

Two years ago, when a massive cheating scandal was unfolding after the hack of the Ashley Madison website, Off on a Tangent offered ten tips to avoid getting caught. In the same tradition, here are ten tips to help you avoid getting caught-up in the harassment scandal:

Election 2017 Results (Final)

Ballot Races
Virginia Governor
Ed Gillespie (R):44.97%
Cliff Hyra (L):1.07%
Ralph Northam (D):53.90%
Virginia Lt. Governor
Justin Fairfax (D):52.72%
Jill Vogel (R):47.18%
Virginia Atty. General
John Adams (R):46.56%
Mark Herring (D):53.34%
Virginia House, 87th
John Bell (D):61.73%
Subba Kolla (R):38.04%
Ballot Issues
Loudoun Safety Bonds
Loudoun School Bonds

I Voted; Did You?

I Voted

I voted this morning at my polling place in South Riding, Virginia. If you are eligible to vote in Virginia, you should too.

There are many important races and issues on the ballot across the commonwealth. Here in Loudoun County, Virginia, we are voting for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, our representatives in the Virginia House of Delegates, and two local ballot issues.

Take the time to research the candidates and issues on your ballot and make informed choices. Don’t let anybody tell you that your vote doesn’t matter. Don’t let anybody tell you that your choice is wrong. No informed vote is a wasted vote.

And let’s respect one another. I’ve made my choices—and I encourage you to read my reasons why—and you are free to make yours. I may not agree with you, but as long as you have seriously considered your choices, I respect them. I hope you’ll offer me the same courtesy in return.

Please come back to Off on a Tangent this evening for live results from the races that I am following.

Scott Bradford is a writer and technologist who has been putting his opinions online since 1995. He believes in three inviolable human rights: life, liberty, and property. He is a Catholic Christian who worships the trinitarian God described in the Nicene Creed. Scott is a husband, nerd, pet lover, and AMC/Jeep enthusiast with a B.S. degree in public administration from George Mason University.